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Advice for lawyers on PIL and foreign law.

Are you, as a legal professional, dealing with an international case and do you need academic confirmation on the application of private international law? You are not alone; this system of regulations is a well-known bottleneck in legal practice, and regularly leads to incorrect application of the law.

That is why we support you with advice on the application of these rules to your specific case, so that you can deal with foreign cases just as efficiently as your others. By engaging us, you will quickly regain control over your international file. Already, more than 24,000 lawyers benefit from our services.

Receive advice tailored to your needs
Get confirmation on the correct application of the law
Save time

Lawyers cannot be expected to master every aspect of highly-specialised areas of law, let alone foreign legal systems.

  • I am looking for academic confirmation on the application of complex PIL rules.
  • I would like to have my litigation file(s) checked for correct application of PIL rules according to the latest developments in this field of law.
  • I am dealing with a complex international case, and I want to know whether proceedings can be conducted in the Netherlands.
  • I am dealing with a complex international case, and I want to know which law applies to it.
  • I have a judgement from abroad, and I want to know what its value is in the Netherlands.
  • How can I have a Dutch court order executed abroad?
  • I need to have a document served across borders. How does this work?
  • I have a client with an uncontested claim against a foreign debtor, which EU procedure should I use to ensure a prompt collection of this debt?
  • Can you help me access and understand a foreign legal system which pertains to one of my cases?
  • I have found sources on a foreign legal system, but I cannot assess whether these sources are reliable and up to date.

Experience the convenience of our case-tailored advice and save a lot of time. After agreeing to our quote, you will receive our advice within two weeks.

The Roadmap

Request advice

Submit a request for advice, and describe the facts of the case and your questions.

Two-day Waiting Period

Give us two days to prepare a non-binding quote.

Discuss the Quote

Discuss the quote with your department and/or your client and let us know if we can get started.

Two Weeks

Within two weeks, you will receive a case-tailored report from one of our experts.


The Report

Simply apply our report to your case, for example to support a court judgment or position.

Martijn Polak, Vice President of the Dutch Supreme Court (Hoge Raad) and member of the Board of IJI on the complexity of the application of foreign law in the Netherlands.

Martijn Polak on the complexity of the application of foreign law in the Netherlands.

We can support you. Since 1918, we have focused on supporting legal professionals in the field of private international law and foreign law: especially international family law, international inheritance law and international commercial and property law. Our clients are mainly judges, lawyers and notaries. Read more about our advice and our working methods here.

Are you interested to know more about the three most common bottlenecks for legal professionals dealing with an international file for the first time?

Enter your email address below and download our paper.

  • By submitting this form, you agree to our privacy terms.

Meet our client law firm Prakken d’Oliveira

Prakken d’Oliveira is a law firm in Amsterdam with a thriving international law practice. In the well-known Shell case, the IJI advised on the application of Nigerian law in the context of tort law.

Lawyer Mr. Channa Samkalden, Prakken d’Oliveira

Academic advice in dealing efficiently with your international file.

Personal Contact

The IJI is a small-scale firm. That is our strength: you will always have personal contact with one of our legal counsels and lines of communication are short.

Worldwide Network of Legal Experts

We have a global network of legal experts from both academia and practice. This network can be called upon when your case requires it.

Up-to-date Expertise

We have strong ties with legal experts from practice (the judiciary and the legal profession) and academia, and we actively participate in the academic debate. As a result, we are well-informed about the latest developments in our field of law.

Independent Advice

Our reports can be used to support a court judgment, as the basis for a notarial deed or the substantiation of a procedural document.

What our Clients Say About Us

Lawyer Tim de Greve, partner at Stibbe.

I regularly engage the IJI in cases where PIL aspects play a role. The institute has existed for over 100 years and can therefore boast a long history and experience. There are prominent people associated with it. Not least Mr Strikwerda. They support you from the outset, immediately understand the question you are faced with and suggest possible solutions. They have the right connections at home and abroad to answer questions within a reasonable timeframe. Apart from that, it is very pleasant to work with the people of the IJI.

Lawyer Leushuis, Leushuis Advocaten

As a lawyer, I have a normal legal practice and I am rarely confronted with international aspects. It is not feasible to have to find out the PIL for international files. In this day and age you really need a PIL expert for that. I really think the quality of IJI reports is worth a 10. I receive very thorough reports that I am very happy with and so are the clients. The speed of the service is also very good and is actually even faster than I expected. It was also nice that the contact with the IJI employees is very pleasant. I am glad that the institute exists and that the legal profession can be helpful.

Attorney Ria van Seventer, Meesters aan de Maas Advocaten

Our law firm is based in Rotterdam, a city of more than 170 nationalities, so we regularly have to ask the IJI for advice. For example, I had to deal with the recognition of a child by an Italian man, to which Italian law had to be applied. I don’t speak Italian so I could not do that myself. Nor did I have access to the sources which the IJI has.

Submit Your Request for Advice

We will send you a non-binding quote within two working days.

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  • You can read how we handle your personal data in our Privacy policy

Behoud de toegang tot het recht voor iedereen!

In 2019 is de subsidieregeling met betrekking tot adviezen van het IJI afgeschaft. Toevoegingsgerechtigde personen met internationale dossiers, onder wie relatief veel kinderen, worden hierdoor hard geraakt. Ook zal het IJI zonder subsidie niet kunnen blijven bestaan. Teken de petitie